Table Olives

We grow our Olives in İzmir and around the Aegean's highest quality Table Olives production center, deliver to our customers as natural and high quality.In additin to this , we do not have additives and preservatives in any of our olives, collect our Olives that we produce completely naturally with good agricultural practices and without the use of pesticides.

We do fermentation works with salt and water without using chemicals.No remnants of the drug are found in the final product stage.Futhermore ,we prove this with analyzes by SGS Supervize Gozetme Etud Kontrol Servisleri A.S. in each shipment.

Our Olives are completely without hormones and non-GMO. Moreover, Olives are pollinated with bumblebees.The feature of our Olives are thin-shelled, small-core and succulent.It is grown 13 kinds of olives in a very wide range.

We deliver to our customers without compromising on quality and naturalness and provide high customer satisfaction.


Our main goal is to transform fresh and high quality traditional Turkish Table Olives in modern and healthy conditions, turn them into high quality products and offer them to our customers in appropriate conditions.

In the foreground of the quality of products, OliveOilsLand® combines traditional methods with modern techniques; is producing according to Turkish Food Codex with its experienced technical team and modern technology.

High quality standards are ensured in production, storage, packaging and shipment processes.Our company, which keeps high quality standards, has completed certification studies in many fields.

Traditional cultivation, gentle processing and award-winning quality, OliveOilsLand®’s products are recognised by all over the world.

In a class of its own: the Table Olives brand offers the world’s first Turkish Table Olives assortment and this makes an extraordinary ethical and environmental commitment.

We deliver our products in accordance with the principles of honesty, equality and fairness in free market conditions and offer our consumers a high quality and natural product guarantee in Table Olives .

The Olive fruit is a drupe. Unlike similar drupes like peaches, apricots, cherries etc. olives cannot be eaten straight from the tree. The olive contains a distinctive, bitter principle called Oleuropein. Oleuropein has a strong, bitter taste and although it is harmless, it has to be removed before the olives can be consumed. Olives also have a low sugar content (2.6 – 6%) compared with other drupes (12% ) and a high oil content (10-20%) depending on the time of year and cultivar.

Olives are Processed to:

• Remove the bitterness
• Preserve the fruit
• Enhance the flavour

We found the best way to process table olives is through a long, slow, natural fermentation in a brine solution. This process ensures that the olives maintain most of there natural goodness and rich olive taste.

Green Olives receive a lye treatment, before it is placed in large tanks with a brine solution. Black olives are simply rinsed and then placed in the tanks with brine.

This process asks for careful monitoring of various factors throughout all the stages. It can take up to 9 months before the fruit are ready for packing.

There are however other, easier and quicker methods which you might find more suitable to use at home. Unfortunately, with these methods most of the natural goodness and taste of the fruit is lost. For this reason it is necessary to add flavour in the form of vinegar and/or herbs like garlic etc.

Processing your own Table Olives at Home

To ensure that your olives look and taste good, keep the following factors in mind when buying fresh olives to process at home:

  • In Turkey fresh olives are available from September to November /December . All olives are green initially and turns black as it ripens.
  • Choose the right cultivar. Decide if you want green or Black Olives and ask at the farm for a cultivar that is best suited. Some cultivars are best processed when still green, like Manzanilla, UDP, Sevillano & Nocellara del Belice. Others like Kallamata and Mission are best processed when black.
  • The fruit must be fresh. Make sure the fruits have been stored a cool place in clean, dry, well ventilated crates after harvest. The fruit must be firm to the touch, not shrivelled and free of any marks due to insect bites or stings.
  • Table Olives must be hand picked and handled with care to prevent bruising.
  • Green Olives must be full sized, the colour must be a slightly yellowish green. Black Olives must be fully ripe, but still firm, the colour violet to violet-black.
  • Hygiene is very important to prevent the olives from spoiling. Make sure all equipment (buckets, spoons etc.) are clean. Also make sure the water you are using is clean, chlorine free and of a high quality.


  • small-logoWHOLE GREEN OLIVES
  • small-logoKALAMATA OLIVES


The table olives market here in TURKEY is just starting to flourish. The solid foundation will support its growth into a successful and valuable industry amongst the new olive producing countries.

Table olives has a set of standards or conditions, performed both in a laboratory and by a tasting panel, that have to be adhered to in order to bear the label Table Olives. The International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) has stipulated a set of standards pertaining to the physical attributes of Table Olives, or rather, the visual defect limits, but no standard is available for determining what a good Olive should taste like.

In the global market, a myriad of different styles of Table Olives can be found, many of which are very provincial or regional. In countries where eating olives, and especially processing thereof, is relatively new, it is important that we have a benchmark against which we can gauge the quality of a table olive. Equally important is that the consumer is aware of what to look for in a good quality, tasty table olive. Highlighting these attributes will protect the consumer, after being served second rate product for long enough, from believing that this is as good as it gets!

The Characteristics of a Quality Table Olive

The first characteristic of a product that we notice is, of course, appearance. This is a vital attribute that will make us decide whether to try the product or not. There is a movement amongst some consumers that precludes any fruit and vegetable product which looks too good. The aim should be to produce table olives that not only taste good, but that look as good as possible, these two characteristics are not mutually exclusive.

The physico-chemical characteristics, which are measured by instruments, need not be discussed here.

The organoleptic characteristics of a food product, which describe the flavour thereof, encompass three sensory perceptions, that of smell (olfactory), taste (gustatory) and mouthfeel (tactile).



A well-prepared olive has a clean acceptable aroma. The aroma will give a good indication of how the processing was managed as most of the volatile components are a result of the fermentation process. In the absence of any fermentation, the aroma is usually that of the added ingredients, like garlic, herbs and various other flavourings.

An off-fermentation will be noticeable on the nose, and any off-odour is totally unacceptable in quality table olives.



An olive should have a degree of firmness in the flesh, without being tough or woody. The skin of the fruit should not be too tough, and the flesh should detach from the pit quite readily.

The texture of an olive is determined by numerous factors, the most important of which are fruit ripeness when harvested, and cultivar. The methods of processing will then play an equally important role, which can either maintain the texture of the fruit or compromise it.

In conclusion, the most important aspect is to realise that table olives vary to a vast extent with respect to the attributes mentioned above. It is for the consumer to experience as many different styles and flavours as possible and in so doing, build up a profile of the olives of choice. Awareness of the factors that constitute a quality product can positively benefit the consumer in this choice



The taste and flavour of a food product is generally rather subjective – it depends on what one is accustomed to. When wine is consumed, the trend is often for non-wine drinkers to start with a sweeter wine, and then to progress to the more dry products. In the table olive sphere, the consumer not accustomed to olives, usually prefers a more bland product. Once hooked on these little delicacies, the consumer then seeks out products with a lot more flavour, the natural olive flavour in particular.

A fully fermented table olive should display a balance between the natural flavour of the fruit, the natural lactic acid and the added salt and vinegar. The acid produced by the fermentation is usually perceived as fully integrated with the fruit flavours, and therefore far more appealing than acid that has been added to the final product